Monday, February 29, 2016


OH MY!!! I had my outline for the many levels of GOD'S GRACE that I have experienced in the past and also the new level I am in now. Well!!! my outline has expanded MORE!!! MORE UPON MORE GRACE!!!!!

I haven't posted in the last week because........... much has been going on in my life. I have been spending some alone, quite time with The Lord and also had the tremendous blessing of attending a women's conference whose guest speaker was Billye Brim! During this conference I discovered there is an even HIGHER level of GRACE which I can go!!! And I am determined to go and ABIDE there!!!

I am in the process of organizing my notes so I can eventually share with you the MORE GRACE I am learning. I will tell you this much: This level is located in the heavenlies with Jesus by the right hand of the Father!!! This level in the Bible is found in the book of Ephesians. The highlight scripture for me is Ephesians 2:5-6. I have always heard that I am above and not beneath. I am beginning to see myself there and I'm taking you with me!!!

I hope to continue the story of MY GRACE within the next few days. So stay tuned in and pray for me as I put to words what is in my heart and God's heart for you!

Enjoy Your Journey!
Joan <3