Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The Apostle Paul's grace is a very special example of GOD'S GRACE. Especially for those of you who have thought God could not or would not use you because of your past. No one was more likely to feel that way than the Apostle Paul. In his past he tried to destroy the early church. But later, Paul received God's forgiveness and GRACE, God's undeserved favor and blessing. He wrote in Galatians 1:15, Amplified Bible, "It was God who had chosen and set me apart even before I was born and called me by His GRACE, (His undeserved favor and blessing)".
It was because of his past Paul could sincerely preach the GRACE of GOD! So can you!!! No matter what your past was or your now is God wants to forgive you and change you and use you!!!
God has chosen and set you apart, even before you were born and is calling you by His GRACE, His undeserved favor and blessing. Won't you respond to His calling?
Jesus wants you to stop saying your are sorry and receive His forgiveness and power for a changed life full of GRACE! Say with Paul, "I am an apostle-that is a special messenger, appointed and commissioned and sent out not by man but Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead" Galatians 1:1
GOD'S GRACE will have a profound effect on your life and will be far-reaching through you just like Paul's! God has GOOD plans for you!!!
Enjoy Your Journey!
Joan <3