Saturday, February 6, 2016

Heart Healthy GRACE Exercises for You!

As you already know I am studying and walking in a new level of GRACE. 
I am 63 years of age. I have been a born again Christian for 45 years.
Guess what??? I am changing my name to GRACE!!! You will want to do the same by the time we finish this journey!!! :)

In days ahead we will walk this journey together. First, I want to share with you my heart healthy GRACE exercises. There are three parts to these exercises. Today will be Part One. I will share the names of the exercises and how to do them.

* Rest in Father God's Plan
Rest means to lean back on Him, breathe deeply and relax!

* Rejoice in Jesus' Love
Rejoice means to enjoy, celebrate and lighten-up!
Shake, shake, shake, shake the devil off!
Begin with you hands and then your feet.

*Live in God's Grace
Live means to dwell, abide, survive and thrive!
Make a church steeple with your arms 
high above your head and stretch.

* Walk in the Presence and Power of 
His Spirit, Holy Spirit
Walk means to march and make spiritual 
progress in your difficult places! You can 
do it because you are not alone!

 You will need to do several repetitions a day! I hope you will try them! They feel so wonderful!!!

Enjoy Your Journey!