Monday, February 29, 2016


OH MY!!! I had my outline for the many levels of GOD'S GRACE that I have experienced in the past and also the new level I am in now. Well!!! my outline has expanded MORE!!! MORE UPON MORE GRACE!!!!!

I haven't posted in the last week because........... much has been going on in my life. I have been spending some alone, quite time with The Lord and also had the tremendous blessing of attending a women's conference whose guest speaker was Billye Brim! During this conference I discovered there is an even HIGHER level of GRACE which I can go!!! And I am determined to go and ABIDE there!!!

I am in the process of organizing my notes so I can eventually share with you the MORE GRACE I am learning. I will tell you this much: This level is located in the heavenlies with Jesus by the right hand of the Father!!! This level in the Bible is found in the book of Ephesians. The highlight scripture for me is Ephesians 2:5-6. I have always heard that I am above and not beneath. I am beginning to see myself there and I'm taking you with me!!!

I hope to continue the story of MY GRACE within the next few days. So stay tuned in and pray for me as I put to words what is in my heart and God's heart for you!

Enjoy Your Journey!
Joan <3

Thursday, February 18, 2016





I look forward to writing about my GRACE!
My GRACE is a very good example and many of you will relate.
In my lifetime I have come to realize there are so many levels of God's GRACE. There is GRACE upon GRACE upon GRACE! When you say, "Lord I want MORE GRACE, He takes you there gladly because the MORE GRACE we received the MORE GRACE we can give!

God's GRACE began in me when I was 19 years old.
That is 45 years ago. As James, my husband says, many, many moons ago.

I was a born again Christian leading a very defeated life. I was a young wife and mother, very distressed, depressed and condemned by my weaknesses. Yet, I was so very thankful the Lord Jesus came to save a pitiful person like me. My heart wanted to serve Him and be like Him but I failed more than not. I would sit in condemnation for days, until Paul cleared this up for me in Galatians 2:21, Amplified Bible. He says, "do not nullify the GRACE, the undeserved favor and blessings of God. Do not treat His sacrifice as something of minor importance". This helped me understand when I asked for His forgiveness I must also receive His GRACE and get up off the couch, take my robe and curlers off and begin my journey into MORE GRACE! MORE GRACE transforming me into a King's Daughter all Glorious with and without!

My GRACE at this level helped me to become  a greater blessing to my family!
God's GRACE and spiritual blessings and my soul's peace began being multiplied to me, from my Father, and my Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Can't wait to tell you more in days to come!

Enjoy Your Journey!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


The Apostle Paul's grace is a very special example of GOD'S GRACE. Especially for those of you who have thought God could not or would not use you because of your past. No one was more likely to feel that way than the Apostle Paul. In his past he tried to destroy the early church. But later, Paul received God's forgiveness and GRACE, God's undeserved favor and blessing. He wrote in Galatians 1:15, Amplified Bible, "It was God who had chosen and set me apart even before I was born and called me by His GRACE, (His undeserved favor and blessing)"

It was because of his past Paul could sincerely preach the GRACE of GOD! So can you!!! No matter what your past was or your now is God wants to forgive you and change you and use you!!!

God has chosen and set you apart, even before you were born and is calling you by His GRACE, His undeserved favor and blessing. Won't you respond to His calling? 

Jesus wants you to stop saying your are sorry and receive His forgiveness and power for a changed life full of GRACE! Say with Paul, "I am an apostle-that is a special messenger, appointed and commissioned and sent out not by man but Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead" Galatians 1:1

GOD'S GRACE will have a profound effect on your life and will be far-reaching through you just like Paul's! God has GOOD plans for you!!!  

Enjoy Your Journey!
Joan <3 

Monday, February 15, 2016


Hopefully you have decided to join me on my journey into MORE GRACE! We have come to the Camp of GRACE which is located at the foot of the cross leaving our comfort zone and what we presently know about GRACE.  We have come to learn how to become a greater blessing to our family by receiving and giving MORE GRACE.

There is a new song today called, God’s Not Dead. It goes like this: God’s not dead He’s surely alive, He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion! I love it, especially when my Great Gran sings it!!! The words in the song are true. Jesus is alive and is back sitting by the right hand of His Father. The good news is He sent back to earth His Spirit, Holy Spirit. He didn’t leave us helpless and hopeless. He sent His Spirit to be with us and in us helping us to live the Christian life and to live the abundant life He came to give. MORE GRACE, MORE AMAZING GRACE given to us after the Cross! We are not alone on our journey. We are greatly blessed and highly favored!

John 14: 16-17 says in the Message Bible Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. John 16: 12 says He will take us by the hand and guide us into all the truth there is.
The Amplified Bible says Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Counselor, Convincer, Helper, Teacher, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby.  We have everything we need in The Holy Spirit of Jesus!!!

To receive MORE GRACE and to give MORE GRACE we will need a more intimate friendship with Holy Spirit.

Let me ask you, have you received the ministry of the Holy Spirit? Do you have an intimate friendship with Him? This friendship is more than just an altar call. It is having a close relationship with Him in your basic everyday life and family. Do you rely on Him trusting in His abilities and not only your own?
What do you do at this special place on your journey? You acknowledge your dependence on Holy Spirit. You practice His presence all day, every day, while you’re doing what you’re doing.  You stop living as though you are all alone! Open your arms wide and welcome Holy Spirit to be all that Jesus sent Him to be in your life!

Oh! What amazing examples of GRACE we have seen! 2 Cor. 13:14 in the Message Bible speaks of these examples of GRACE in its purest form, “May the amazing grace of Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Enjoy Your Journey,
Joan <3

Friday, February 12, 2016


Here we are again at the Camp of Grace, located at the foot of the Cross
where GRACE is found in its purest form. Where GRACE is profound, and its effects are both far-reaching and life changing!!!

The next few blogs will answer your questions regarding “what does GRACE look like?”  The examples we will be looking at are: GOD'S LOVE; THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS; PAUL'S GRACE and MY GRACE.  

Our most perfect example of GRACE began, of course, with GOD. He sent His only Son, JESUS, as the sacrifice for our sins. He sent His only Son, Jesus, to suffer and die for our sins. What AMAZING GRACE for a Father to do such a thing!

We continue today on our journey into MORE GRACE. We continue looking at a most perfect example of GRACE which is found in the life of Jesus, God’s Son. How He walked and talked during His time on earth and the SACRIFICE OF HIS LIFE which He gave for you and me.

To begin today thought let’s look at part of the definition of GRACE found in the Bible dictionary. (There are many facets to the definitions of GRACE.) GRACE here, at this level of our journey, means the unmerited, undeserved favor of God. This favor came to earth in the person Jesus!!! He was deeply moved by the conditions of people’s hearts and lives. He saw deeply into their hearts and souls, and was moved to help them. He healed their bruised and hurt hearts and the bad effects of their bad lives. He relieved the inwardly tormented people and cured their bodily ills. He touched the untouchables. He kept company with disreputable characters according to the religious standards. He went to the lost and the confused. He offered GRACE to everyone, regardless of age, sex or race. He was God’s GRACE sent to earth and still offers it to us today in our pitiful conditions! OH WHAT AMAZING GRACE THAT SAVED A WRETCH LIKE I!!! In fact, even on the cross, He offered this AMAZING GRACE by saying, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34. Even then, in that moment of horrific suffering He offered unmerited, undeserved favor, GOD’S AMAZING GRACE!!! Unbelievable but true!!! :)

These truths, both GOD’S LOVE and THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS, should not be rushed in our hearts and minds. We need to SELAH, pause and calmly think! Remember, to give MORE GRACE we need to RECEIVE MORE GRACE. And these two examples are GRACE in its purest form!

This weekend and coming week get your Bibles out and read the gospels of Jesus. I believe you will gain MORE revelation and receive MORE GRACE so you can begin to be a greater blessing to your family!

We are standing on holy ground!

Enjoy Your Journey,

Joan <3

Monday, February 8, 2016


Come with me to the Camp of Grace, located at the foot of the Cross.
Where GRACE is found in it's purest form. Where GRACE is profound, and its effects are both far-reaching and life changing!!!

The next few blogs will answer your questions regarding what does GRACE look like? The examples we will be looking at will be: GOD'S LOVE; THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS; PAUL'S GRACE and MY GRACE.  

Our most perfect example of GRACE began, of course, with GOD. He sent His only Son, JESUS, as the sacrifice for our sins. He sent His only Son, Jesus, to suffer and die for our sins. What AMAZING GRACE for a Father to do such a thing! 

This is how the Message Bible expresses this everlasting event in John 3:16

This shows how much God loved us: He gave His Son, 
His one and only Son: so that no one should be destroyed; 
but by believing in Him, we can have a whole and everlasting life. 
GOD didn't go to all the horrible trouble of sending His Son 
merely to point an accusing finger, telling us how bad we were. 
He came to help, to put the world right again! 

At the arrival of Jesus, GOD entered history in a personal way and made it unmistakably clear that He was on our side, doing everything possible to save us. GOD'S plan was all presented and worked out in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus!

Now....... I know you have John 3:16 memorized. You may be thinking, "good grief Joan this is too elementary for me". Let me remind you, God's Spirit is calling you to a higher level of GRACE so you can be a greater blessing to your family. To give MORE GRACE you will need to RECEIVE MORE GRACE. More divine revelation which will move more from your brain to your heart. A divine, higher level of knowing how much you are loved and favored by GOD! Not just at the moment of your new birth but forever! Each and every day here and ever after!!! 

What DIVINE LOVE and UNMERITED FAVOR has been and is given to you and I and the whole world! What an PERFECT EXAMPLE OF GRACE! GRACE in it's purest form!!!

Please continue this journey into MORE GRACE with me! MORE GRACE will be profound, and its effects will be both far-reaching and life changing in us and in our families!!!

Amen??? Amen!!!

Enjoy Your Journey!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

MORE Heart Healthy GRACE Exercises for You! :)

Today I will share with you MORE heart healthy GRACE exercises. There are two parts. They are both great stretching exercises and great reminders of the GRACE of GOD! 

The first one is called, Making the Sign of the Cross.   

  • Bend as low as you can go and say: "I am deeply loved!"
  • Reach as high as you can with your arms and stand on your tippy toes and say: "I am highly favored!"
  • Spread your arms out to your side as far as you can go and say: "I am greatly blessed!" 

Repeat these until your body is really stretched and blessed. Your spirit too!!!

The second one is called, Come into the Camp of GRACE, Located at the Foot of the Cross. 
Jesus is calling YOU! He is saying, "Come to ME". He is calling you into MORE GRACE. Listen to Matthew 11: 28-30 in the Message Bible: Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? COME TO ME. Get away with ME and you will recover your life. I'll show you how to take a REAL REST (that's GRACE!). Walk with Me and work with Me, watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of GRACE. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you will learn to live freely and lightly (that's GRACE!)". WOW! How good does that sound?!?!?!?!

  • COME means living your comfort zone and what you presently know. It means to move, respond, walk briskly, march and surrender all! That's the exercise! Leaving your past behind because GOD is doing a new thing! He is going to take you to a new place in His GRACE! Do this exercise physically and spiritually, all day, everyday!!! :)
I think you are ready to begin your journey into MORE GRACE. What an exciting and sensational journey it will be!!!

I will talk to you again soon!

Enjoy Your Journey,

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Heart Healthy GRACE Exercises for You!

As you already know I am studying and walking in a new level of GRACE. 
I am 63 years of age. I have been a born again Christian for 45 years.
Guess what??? I am changing my name to GRACE!!! You will want to do the same by the time we finish this journey!!! :)

In days ahead we will walk this journey together. First, I want to share with you my heart healthy GRACE exercises. There are three parts to these exercises. Today will be Part One. I will share the names of the exercises and how to do them.

* Rest in Father God's Plan
Rest means to lean back on Him, breathe deeply and relax!

* Rejoice in Jesus' Love
Rejoice means to enjoy, celebrate and lighten-up!
Shake, shake, shake, shake the devil off!
Begin with you hands and then your feet.

*Live in God's Grace
Live means to dwell, abide, survive and thrive!
Make a church steeple with your arms 
high above your head and stretch.

* Walk in the Presence and Power of 
His Spirit, Holy Spirit
Walk means to march and make spiritual 
progress in your difficult places! You can 
do it because you are not alone!

 You will need to do several repetitions a day! I hope you will try them! They feel so wonderful!!!

Enjoy Your Journey!

Friday, February 5, 2016

MORE Flowers of GRACE for You!!!

MORE Flowers of GRACE for You!!!

This pursuit for MORE GRACE began in me as I considered the question, "How can I be a greater blessing to my family?" This is one of the eleven questions considered in my book, Sensational Living after 60. The Spirit of the Lord, who is right here beside me as I study and share,, began teaching me that in order to be a greater blessing to my family they need MORE GRACE extended to them from me. My response was and is each day, okay Lord teach me and let it be done in me according to Your Word and Your will. That's how my journey began.

At this juncture my prayer became Galatians 1:3

May God's Grace and Spiritual Blessings and my Soul's Peace be multiplied to me Oh Lord, from You my Father, and my Lord Jesus Christ!!! 

As you join me on this journey today, take a little time and pause and calmly think on this very special place in time. Hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.  Respond to him by agreeing with Him and say yes I will follow You into MORE GRACE. Let the prayer above become your prayer and I  believe your life and the lives of your loved ones are going to be changed for the better! You will see! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Just like the flowers above. Our loved ones are little buds waiting to bloom and MORE GRACE will be their fertilizer! We are all going to be set free more to live the abundant life Jesus came to give. Isn't that exciting??? 

Just another exciting journey,

Enjoy your journey.