Friday, March 11, 2016


Yes, GRACE is the undeserved favor and blessings of God. And yes, GRACE is God's divine enablement within me! 

But, at this amazing level, the expanded definition is the pleasure and joy God has for me!  

It's my GRACE Party! And you are invited too! :)

To illustrate this expanded definition I want to tell you a story!

Once upon a time there was a young girl. She was very close to her father and wanted to please him. Her father raised her in love and protection. He taught her right from wrong.

One day she did something very wrong. She was convicted and went to her father and confessed. She cried and told her father she was so sorry. He forgave her and held her in his arms.

That night, early in the evening, he came in her room and told her to get up and dress in her best. He was going to take her to a really nice restaurant. She was thinking, "WOW, how can my father do this for me, the horrible person that I am"? 

They arrived and everything was so beautiful. It was a party atmosphere which her father had planned for her. Yet, she could not join in the party. She could not receive the pleasure and joy He had for her now!

Her father had provided for her a GRACE PARTY. He was giving her something she did not deserve. Offering to her unmerited favor. Yet, she could not let herself fully enjoy it! She could not receive the pleasure and joy He had for her now! 

This young girl reminds me of me. One of my personality weaknesses carried to an extreme is I am a perfectionist. Perhaps that is a weakness of yours too. After a failure we tend to stay mad at our self far too long!

This new person, "GRACE", whom I am becoming, is learning how not to miss out on her GRACE PARTIES! After her mistakes she hears Holy Spirit saying," repent, relax and enjoy your GRACE PARTIES and let God give you the pleasure and joy He has for you today and forever"!

What about you? Can you let yourself enjoy your GRACE PARTIES? Will you let yourself enjoy God's GRACE after you get in trouble and after your repent? At your GRACE PARTIES do you sit in the corner sad and depressed with condemnation and self-pity? Or, do you let yourself fully enjoy your GRACE PARTY?


Thank you Heavenly Father! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for Your Mercy and Grace! 

Look at what the Bible says, 

Psalms 103: 8-12 Message Bible

God is sheer mercy and grace;

    not easily angered, he’s rich in love.
He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold,
    nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve,
    nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth,
    so strong is his love to those who fear him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
    he has separated us from our sins.
As far as the east is from the west,
He has removed our sins from us.

Let's receive MORE GRACE so we can join in the party today and everyday!
Let's enjoy the pleasure and joy God has for us to the fullest!!!

Enjoy Your Journey!
Joan <3