Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Your Journey to PREPAREDNESS, Mentally

We are going to talk about being prepared mentally in the event of a crisis.
Your mental PREPAREDNESS is of course dependent on your spiritual preparedness. If you missed this post it is the one just before this.

It is also dependent on some challenging, provocative questions and answers, what I call the "what if" questions and answers, and some real pearls of wisdom.

"What if" Questions:

What if we have no gas or power to cook with?
What if we have no power to open canned foods?
What if we do not have google to get our answers?
What if Walmart shelves are empty?
What if we do not have clean water?
What if you need to feel a large group of people?
What are the staple foods? What is the building block of foods?
What if we had to flee our home in short notice?
What if we were away from home and had to hike back?

These are just a few questions to consider in your planning and preparing. This is a way to prepare mentally in the event of a crisis so that we are not caught completely off guard.

Some real pearls of wisdom (I found in my research and study)

Make sure you trust is in The Lord and not your own preparedness. Pattern your preparedness according to His direction. Listen to what He puts in your heart. Do not use only your reasoning power. Prov. 16:3.

Find alternate methods of doing things. Answer the "what if" questions.

Decide ahead of time, before a crisis arrives, how you will react in a given situation.

Simplify your lifestyle. Learn to so no to things that do not help develop your preparedness.

Learn to spend time with your family without any superficial entertainment and distractions.

Learn to enjoy simple pleasure from the smallest things, having joy and happiness that doesn't come from creature comforts or entertainment.

Enjoy the journey of preparedness. Do not become compulsive/obsessive. Slow the beating of your heart, calm down, lean back on The Lord and breathe. This is an opportunity to learn, grow and to CHANGE for the better.

Be blessed!

Resource material: Principles of Self-Sufficiency by the Survival Mom and comments by Joan Malone

In the morning I will give you a list of websites which will help you be ready. They will help you prepare, plan and stay informed. See you then!