Monday, July 13, 2015


There are so many areas to cover in preparing physically. I must say your physical preparedness is dependent on your spiritual and mental preparedness. Because... learning to handle stress NOW, before a crisis, is so important. We need to learn to TRUST The Lord more and OBEY His leading NOW.
Amen? Amen!

Physical preparedness represents becoming self-sustaining, food preservation and storage, financial investing, and seeking God NOW for the completion of your healing (girding yourself with physical strength as the Virtuous Woman in Prov. 31) and learning natural remedies through foods and herbs.

For help in this area refer back to the websites I listed in my previous post. God will lead you and help you answer your specific "what if" questions. I will share with you some simple steps which helped me in food storage:

Preparedness is just a matter of deciding to do it,
and then taking small frequent steps.

  • Store up 20%. Example: If you buy $100.00 worth of groceries us $20.00 for your food or supply storage. 
  • Set a food storage goal of 3 months. The tool called the LDS Food Storage Calculator can help in understanding what this looks like. See http//
  • List 5 breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Plan meals around staples. Our reason for this is they are building blocks for hundreds of foods. A handful of dried beans, along with some broth and a few vegetables make a good filling soup. Also, with flour and oil you have biscuits, pancakes, tortillas, etc. For storage information goggle Shelf Life Studies. You will find the shelf life of food is a lot longer than you thought. Go to Food and Drug Administration articles, also
  • Before buying, know that the price is right. For most of us food storage will be accomplished on a tight budget. Speaking of that, I learned to put a bag of chips back on the shelf and buy a pound of beans for storage. Sometimes, for the cost of chips and I can buy several pounds when on sale.
To be self-sustaining there are many "what if" questions to be answered. Just like it says above: decide to begin your preparation and take small frequent steps. 

I am giving you just a few thoughts on preparedness. There is so much more. REMEMBER, you must make sure your trust is in the Lord and not your own preparedness. Pattern your preparedness according to His guidance. Listen to what He puts in your heart for you and your family and do not use only your own reasoning power. Prov. 16:3

Enjoy your journey,