Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's Okay to Express Your Heart to God!

One thing I love about the book of Psalms is that the writers were very honest with God. They expressed their true hearts and feelings to God. Whether they were joyful, confident, distressed, depressed, angry, upset, or afraid, they wrote about it.

So.... it's okay to express our hearts to God as well. Every emotion you or I could ever experience seems to be mentioned in the Psalms. No matter what we are going through, I believe God wants to hear our inner most thoughts. A intimate relationship with God gets everything out in the open so we can be helped.

In my devotion this morning I came across Psalms 77; 2-10. A perfect example of expressing our heart to God. I am going to share with you the Message Bible version because for me, it is so read-able.

I found myself in trouble and went looking for my Lord;
my life was an open wound that would not heal.
When friends said, "everything will be alright," 
I did not believe a word they said.
I remember God - shake my head.
I bow my head - then wring my hands.
I'm awake all night - not a wink of sleep;
I can't even say what's bothering me.
I go over the days one by one,
I ponder the years gone by.
I strum my lute all through the night,
wondering how to get my life together.

Will the Lord walk off and leave us for good?
Will he never smile again/
Is his love worn threadbare?
Has His salvation promise burned out?
Has God forgotten His manners?
Has He angrily walked off and left us?
"Just my luck", I said. God goes out of business
just  the moment I need Him! 

Ever had those thoughts?
It's okay to express your heart to God,
in your conversation with Him. 

That is, if we finish this conversation like the writer does!

Once again I will go over what God has done in the past,
lay out on the table the ancient wonders;
I will ponder all the things He's accomplished,
and give a long, loving look at His acts.

Oh God! Your way is holy!
No god is great like You!
You are the God who makes things happen;
You showed everyone what You can do -
You pulled your people out of the worst kind of trouble,
You rescued the children of Jacob and Joseph.
v. 20 Hidden in the hands of Moses and Aaron,
You led your people like a flock of sheep! 

A true, close, intimate relationship with God gets everything out in the open so we can be helped. Try it and you will see!

After our true confession we must always remember and ponder the great things He has accomplished in the past! Try it and you will be encouraged!

Enjoy your journey,

Monday, July 13, 2015


There are so many areas to cover in preparing physically. I must say your physical preparedness is dependent on your spiritual and mental preparedness. Because... learning to handle stress NOW, before a crisis, is so important. We need to learn to TRUST The Lord more and OBEY His leading NOW.
Amen? Amen!

Physical preparedness represents becoming self-sustaining, food preservation and storage, financial investing, and seeking God NOW for the completion of your healing (girding yourself with physical strength as the Virtuous Woman in Prov. 31) and learning natural remedies through foods and herbs.

For help in this area refer back to the websites I listed in my previous post. God will lead you and help you answer your specific "what if" questions. I will share with you some simple steps which helped me in food storage:

Preparedness is just a matter of deciding to do it,
and then taking small frequent steps.

  • Store up 20%. Example: If you buy $100.00 worth of groceries us $20.00 for your food or supply storage. 
  • Set a food storage goal of 3 months. The tool called the LDS Food Storage Calculator can help in understanding what this looks like. See http//
  • List 5 breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Plan meals around staples. Our reason for this is they are building blocks for hundreds of foods. A handful of dried beans, along with some broth and a few vegetables make a good filling soup. Also, with flour and oil you have biscuits, pancakes, tortillas, etc. For storage information goggle Shelf Life Studies. You will find the shelf life of food is a lot longer than you thought. Go to Food and Drug Administration articles, also
  • Before buying, know that the price is right. For most of us food storage will be accomplished on a tight budget. Speaking of that, I learned to put a bag of chips back on the shelf and buy a pound of beans for storage. Sometimes, for the cost of chips and I can buy several pounds when on sale.
To be self-sustaining there are many "what if" questions to be answered. Just like it says above: decide to begin your preparation and take small frequent steps. 

I am giving you just a few thoughts on preparedness. There is so much more. REMEMBER, you must make sure your trust is in the Lord and not your own preparedness. Pattern your preparedness according to His guidance. Listen to what He puts in your heart for you and your family and do not use only your own reasoning power. Prov. 16:3

Enjoy your journey,


Saturday, July 11, 2015


Are we (Americans) prepared socially in the event of a crisis? The Congressman I spoke of in the beginning post says no. I agree with him. One thing for sure we will need family and friends working together to survive a major crisis.

Our preparedness should involve our immediate family, extended family and friends. It means, identifying gifts, talents and resources within each of them.

To accomplish this one exercise I did was gathering my two daughters and nieces around my dining table.The 12 places were full. All precious, talented, strong young women. ALL Christians I might add. PTL! We identified teachers, (special ed., children adult and Bible teachers), a nurse, mission minds and supporters, home and office organizers, a bus driver, cooks, hunters, cowgirls, dancer/body builder, and hairdresser,  I was amazed what resources we had around my table! Their assignment was to begin thinking about how they would respond and function in their gifts and talents in the event of a crisis to help others. For example, my daughter, the nurse is collecting first aid supplies, medications, and general medical supplies. My second daughter, the outdoors lady is learning from her dad hunting skills, horse training and the benefits of wild herbs. She is also collecting tools she will need to do so.
Their scripture is Prov. 22:3 A prudent man or woman sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

Keep in mind preparedness can be fun-filled activities for the whole family!
Don't worry, Trust in the Lord and let Him help you begin to plan, prepare and stay informed!

Enjoy your journey,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

PREPAREDNESS: Be Ready Websites

A little squirrel storing up for the winter!
Natures example of preparedness! :)

Prepare                      Plan                 Stay Informed

Preparedness websites:
{Type in these key search words and you will see all kinds of sites}
Emergency Management
30 Day Food Supply
Food Storage

Some of my favorites:
This link doesn't seem to work. Just google it and you will find.
It is great info on getting your family ready and printer friendly
Click under Topics: Food & Emergency Prep
See: Food Storage Calculator
·        www.nationalprepardnessproclamation '
This link doesn't seem to work. Just google it and you will find.
Good How-Tos

Recommended reading: Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be; by Donna Partow. This book is a 90 day guide to living the Proverbs 31 life. It is a holistic plan including all areas of your life; physical, social, mental and spiritual. Read it and KNOW YOUR VALUE!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Your Journey to PREPAREDNESS, Mentally

We are going to talk about being prepared mentally in the event of a crisis.
Your mental PREPAREDNESS is of course dependent on your spiritual preparedness. If you missed this post it is the one just before this.

It is also dependent on some challenging, provocative questions and answers, what I call the "what if" questions and answers, and some real pearls of wisdom.

"What if" Questions:

What if we have no gas or power to cook with?
What if we have no power to open canned foods?
What if we do not have google to get our answers?
What if Walmart shelves are empty?
What if we do not have clean water?
What if you need to feel a large group of people?
What are the staple foods? What is the building block of foods?
What if we had to flee our home in short notice?
What if we were away from home and had to hike back?

These are just a few questions to consider in your planning and preparing. This is a way to prepare mentally in the event of a crisis so that we are not caught completely off guard.

Some real pearls of wisdom (I found in my research and study)

Make sure you trust is in The Lord and not your own preparedness. Pattern your preparedness according to His direction. Listen to what He puts in your heart. Do not use only your reasoning power. Prov. 16:3.

Find alternate methods of doing things. Answer the "what if" questions.

Decide ahead of time, before a crisis arrives, how you will react in a given situation.

Simplify your lifestyle. Learn to so no to things that do not help develop your preparedness.

Learn to spend time with your family without any superficial entertainment and distractions.

Learn to enjoy simple pleasure from the smallest things, having joy and happiness that doesn't come from creature comforts or entertainment.

Enjoy the journey of preparedness. Do not become compulsive/obsessive. Slow the beating of your heart, calm down, lean back on The Lord and breathe. This is an opportunity to learn, grow and to CHANGE for the better.

Be blessed!

Resource material: Principles of Self-Sufficiency by the Survival Mom and comments by Joan Malone

In the morning I will give you a list of websites which will help you be ready. They will help you prepare, plan and stay informed. See you then!

Your Journey to PREPAREDNESS Spiritually


We are going to talk about preparing SPIRITUALLY for a crisis. I believe this is where PREPAREDNESS must begin. Your journey to preparedness is dependent on YOUR personal relationship with God. He has given us everything we need through Christ Jesus and the Power of His Spirit. Your journey is dependent on YOUR personal relationship because Preparedness will be tailored made for you and your family, around where you are, what you have and what you need.

This was and is my scripture as I began and continue my journey:

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your way to Him and He will cause your thoughts to be His and will establish your plans. 

Commit your journey to Him and He will guide you each day with simple and creative ways to prepare. You are not alone in this endeavor! The Lord your God is with you. This is what the bible tells us in:

Joshua 1:9,
Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go. 

We must not give in to fear nor be overwhelmed with the thought of preparedness. We need to take steps of action in spite of it. When God spoke this to Joshua, who was up against great enemies, He wasn't telling him not to feel fear, He was telling him not to let fear hold him back.

This is your beginning step toward preparedness. Prepare spiritually, if you don't know Christ, I pray you come to know Him. He is the way to our Lord God Almighty. Also, we when we come to know Him as our Savior and Lord He gives us His Holy Spirit who is with us and in us. Holy Spirit will comfort us, strengthen us and help us on this journey. If you know Christ, I pray you come to know Him better. That you see and hear Him more clearly in your everyday life. And, I pray you are set free to follow His divine will for your life! In Jesus name I pray!

Enjoy your journey,

Monday, July 6, 2015

Are You Trying to Make Major Changes in Your Life?

If you are trying to make major changes in your life, please go to my blog, and read all my posts on CHANGE. I pray you are encouraged to never give up! With God all things are possible!!! Believe in Him and in the supernatural!

Enjoy your journey,

PREPAREDNESS: Lessons from the Bible

As I began my journey toward preparedness I first looked to the Bible. The lessons I found are in the following scriptures:

Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, you sluggard. Consider her ways and be wise.

Matthew 25:1-13 The story of the ten virgins, five were wise and five were foolish.

Genesis 41:1-39 Joseph prepared for a hard time and saves many lives.

Proverbs 31 The virtuous woman was compelled by love for her family to prepare for their future. She uses her gifts, talents and wisdom in fulfilling and productive ways. She draws her strength from the Lord and lays down her life for those she loves.

Matthew 25:14-28 The sowing of our talents, wisely investing our financial resources for such a time as this.

Matthew 24:40-42 ABOVE ALL, you must be ready at all times, for Jesus will come when least expected.

Is preparedness essential? I heard many of you say yes. I believe it is too, especially after reading these scriptures. I believe  preparedness is a positive character trait that God desires to develop in our lives.  So..... along with me commit your journey to The Lord and He will guide you.

Enjoy your journey,

Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 4th of July!!!

It's just James and I at home this weekend. The girls and grands all have plans and if they are happy we are happy! Right? Lol!

I made a great lite dessert for our celebration. I mixed 1 cup of lite cool whip, 1 cup of Greek yogurt and 1 cup of chopped strawberries and bananas. Poured into a graham cracker crust and froze. It is yummy! 

Wondering what else we are having? Spicy honey barbecue chicken, grilled sausage, cooked cabbage, black-eyed peas and corn bread muffins. Sound good?

We hope you have a very blessed holiday and enjoy the whole weekend!

Love, Joan

Thursday, July 2, 2015


PREPAREDNESS is a word we are hearing these days. That is, preparing for a crisis in America. There are so many threats of crisis: the effects of a divided nation, terrorism, economic disorder, and natural disaster. There is the threat of losing power, water, the value of the dollar and transportation.

In my search I found a national proclamation on preparedness. It begins by saying, "preparedness is an essential element of a resilient and secure nation". The proclamation was written and signed by the President in 2009. In fact September 4, 2009 was declared National Preparedness Month.

The part which applies to us is it underscores the responsibility of individuals, families and communities to do their part before an emergency. It encourages all Americans to take time to prepare and educate themselves about potential disasters.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) supports and promotes citizen education and grassroots preparedness efforts. We are even hearing the word preparedness now in some churches which are forming co-ops and making preparation for a  potential crisis as a church family.

I began thinking about preparedness after sitting in a meeting with a US Congressman. The question was asked, "Congressman, what do you think the future of America holds"? He skirted the question but did say, "I do not know what the future holds but I do know Americans are not prepared. Not just in a self-sustaining way, but neither spiritually, mentally nor socially".

Thus began my journey.
Is PREPAREDNESS essential? The question for today. Pray, be wise and listen.

I pray your journey becomes a great blessing, motivation and opportunity to learn, grow and to change. Remember, that's what the word crisis means for those who love and trust Jesus and Father God. An opportunity to learn, grow and change. :)

Blessings, Joan