Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lift Up Your Hearts (and arms) in Praise!

This is my last week at physical therapy. It has been a GOOD experience because God says, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD.

I must say there is one exercise they taught me that hurts! It is called the Wall Angel Wings Stretch. It looks like the diagram above. So.... this is what I do to make it easier; I lift up my heart in praise and spread my wings of worship, holding that position ten counts.

All the exercises are designed to improve my poor posture. Poor posture is causing severe neck pain and a heavy feeling head. I made a promise today to God and to Amy, my physical therapist, I will be consistent with these exercises at home on my own, I want to be the best I can be in this aging season of my life.

Yes, the changes I am having to make are hard, uncomfortable and painful. But, in the long run they will help me to live a sensational life from here to eternity I am so hoping for.

God bless you as you continue to CHANGE for the better in your season of life!

Enjoy Your Journey,

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Living in a State of Gratitude

In my book, Sensational Living after 60, there is a chapter called, Living in a State of Gratitude. I share how gratitude flowing with words of thanksgiving, will get us through each day in a joyful way.

Psalms 116:17 Amplified Bible
I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving
and I will call on the name of the Lord.
When difficulties come it is an offering of sacrifice to live in a state of gratitude. That's when I open my Bible to Psalms 103: 2-5, which says:

Bless the Lord, O my soul
and forget not all His benefits-
It is He who forgives all my sins, 
heals my diseases, 
redeems my life from the pit and corruption,
It is He who beautifies, dignifies and crowns me
with loving-kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies my mouth
with good so that my youth is renewed like the eagles, 
[strong, overcoming and soaring]!!!

There is always so much to be thankful for, even when there are adverse circumstances! Amen? Amen! 

Get my book today and read more! You can get it on line at Createspace.com/4902822 or Amazon.com/books

Enjoy Your Journey!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Physical Challenges after 60

At the age of 62 I find myself with several physical challenges. I thank God for physicians and I can TRUST HIM to work through them as I seek answers. I also thank God for His Holy Spirit. A physician knows only what I tell them which determines blood work and tests. This becomes their case history data for me.  Holy Spirit will search things that are hidden, deeper things, God's complete case history data. So, you and I need both, physicians and God's Holy Spirit to meet our physical challenges. As we consult with both, God will work in the over all and reveal various techniques of personal application. And.... glory to God, He will give us the power to perform these techniques!

1 Corthinians 2: 10 Amplified Bible
The Holy Spirit searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the profound things of God, the divine counsels and things hidden beyond mans scrutiny. 

Hallelujah!!! We are not alone on our journey to health and wholeness. God is with us and we will find solutions and techniques designed especially for you and I.

I must say in closing. What worked for me in the past I am finding does not work now. So as you find your solutions be willing to change. A perfect example is, five years ago I had budging disc in my upper spine causing horrible neck pain. With physical therapy the budging disc went back into place. This condition has returned and I have horrible neck pain once again. I began doing the exercises I learned in physical therapy the last episode and applying heat, etc. This did not help. I needed new techniques for this particular occasion, which I learned last week at physical therapy. My sitting position, sleeping position and standing position must change. God is good and is with me as I am doing these various techniques of personal application. I can do this because WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Enjoy Your Journey!

Peace and blessings to you and yours, Joan

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Are you tense, tight and stiff? As a result, are you experiencing muscle pain, jaw pain, or headaches? 
Are you disappointed, hurt and confused? If so, fear not and do not be dismayed for the Lord Your God is with you!  Just RELAX! 

To relax means to become less tense, loosen up.  If you have accepted Jesus into your heart and life, it means to RELAX in HIS PRESENCE, in HIS LOVE, in HIS HEALING POWER, and in HIS FAITHFULNESS. 

In my book, Sensational Living after 60, I share my goal in the spiritual area of my life with you. It is found in Chapter 7; What's Your Trouble? The goal is to RELAX in God's love. 

To accomplish RELAXING, I visualize myself leaning back on HIM and taking a very deep breath. Then I lower my jaw, and lower my shoulders and RELAX. I do this in my bath tub and in my favorite chair or in my bed. I have also learned to do it while I'm doing what                                                       I'm doing! 

When RELAXING, I also visualize myself as being a branch connected to the vine. Drawing from the vine all that I need for life, health and holiness! All that I need for joy and peace. 

Staying connected to the vine, who is Jesus, as a vital necessity. Just as the vine is the source of nourishment for the branch, Jesus is our source of life, health and holiness. Apart from Him the Bible says, we can do nothing or have nothing lasting. With HIM all things are possible! Read about the vine and the branch in John 15. 

As I practice RELAXING I feel my muscles RELAX and I become less tense, tight and stiff! PTL! 
I stop feeling nervous or worried and feel secure in HIS PRESENCE, in HIS LOVE, in HIS HEALING POWER and in HIS FAITHFULNESS! 

Psalms 46:10 says in many different versions of the Bible: 
Let be, let go, RELAX, be still in My presence and know that I am GOD!  

COME TO HIM TODAY and be loved, encouraged, healed and made whole. 
Today can be a new day, the beginning of the rest of your life!!! I am convinced if we practice this every day, the rest of our life can be the best!!!

Enjoy your journey, Joan