Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 Come Along and Be Saturated in Joy!

A friend of mine painted this beautiful picture of a butterfly for me.
She was not aware of my love of God's amazing creatures. It blesses me everyday as it sits by my laptop. I want to share with you what she wrote on back:

Having been immersed in the blood of Jesus
and precious honey-gold that flows
from the very heart of God,
this renewed being has emerged
to flow in sensational life.

The Throne room of God has
become her solace
and the emerald rainbow
is a playground for this worshiper!

A child-like heart has made
its home within this renewed soul!
Everyone is welcome to 
come along and be saturated in Joy!

That's my prayer for you as I blog this coming year. May your renewed being emerge to flow into your sensational life! 

Enjoy Your Journey,