Sunday, August 23, 2015


In my book, Sensational Living after 60, I end with a poem written by my daughter, Tiffany. The title of the poem is, "Look up! Redemption Draws Near". She was very young when she wrote it, yet it holds such deep beautiful truth.

I wanted to share with you a portion of it today.

"Put down the things of least importance,
Keep My Word in your hearts and minds.
All the glories from above
in heaven you will find.

You people listen good.
tune your ears to My tone.
I am your Lord, and I am coming soon-
Coming to take you home." 

I thought it was interesting the words she highlighted in the poem: find, listen, home. 

The Bible says, Seek and you will find.
                          Do not merely listen to My word, do what it says.
                          Earth is our temporary residence, Heaven is our home!

Jesus is coming soon!!! To take us home!!! Let's put down the things of least importance!!!

Enjoy your journey!